Dentist Newmarket – Dental Crowns & Bridges | Let’s Talk About Dental Prosthetics

dental crowns bridges newmarket

Here at Leslie Family Dental, ensuring the oral health of both children and adults is of utmost importance. At our dental practice, we recognize the significance of dental crowns and bridges in restoring dental function and aesthetics – whether for kids or adults – enhancing both their oral health and quality of life. We are always ready to discuss with you the importance, uses, maintenance, exams and concerns to do with prosthetics. Just send us your questions using the contact form or call our Newmarket office at (289) 453-0606.

What exactly are dental crowns and bridges, and why are they important?

Dental crowns are essential in protecting damaged teeth from decay, trauma, or wear and tear. Broken and compromised teeth can be reinforced and protected using crowns to halt further deterioration and further wear and tear. Both children and adults depend on their teeth to perform essential functions like chewing and speaking. Dental crowns provide essential relief from damage or weakness in teeth that impede this functionality and enable individuals to bite down comfortably when biting down or chewing comfortably. Dental crowns and bridges not only serve their intended function, but they can also enhance the aesthetics of one’s smile by imitating natural tooth appearance. By rejuvenating smiles while increasing self-confidence, these prosthetics can revive smiles dramatically. Untreated dental issues can quickly escalate into more significant problems over time. Dental crowns and bridges provide prompt solutions, helping prevent infections, tooth loss, or jawbone deterioration from becoming severe complications. Modern dental materials and techniques make crowns and bridges durable and long-term solutions, providing individuals with improved oral health and functionality over the course of many years. By investing in these restorations, patients can benefit from improved oral health and functionality for years to come. It is why here at our Newmarket dental office that we promote the use of modern and high quality dental crowns and bridges, often for almost the exact same price. Get your consultation today.

Do I need a dental crown?

Your teeth may require crowns to restore their shape, strength, and function following extensive decay. Dental crowns may also help strengthen and protect any vulnerable structures such as trauma-weakened ones or large fillings by strengthening and protecting them using crowns. Dental crowns provide an anchor point for dental bridges, keeping their prosthetic teeth securely in place. Crowns can conceal discolorations, misalignment and irregularities in tooth shape to improve aesthetics. Teeth treated with root canal therapy are often fitted with crowns after receiving root canal therapy to protect their treatments and restore functionality.

What are dental bridges used for?

Dental bridges may be used to fill in gaps left by missing teeth, improving the aesthetic and functional elements of your smile. Bridges can help keep adjacent teeth from shifting out of alignment by filling the space left by missing teeth and filling their space with bridges. Missing teeth can significantly hamper one’s chewing ability; bridges restore that capability for proper digestion and overall health benefits. Gaps in the mouth can hinder speech clarity; bridges help maintain proper tongue positioning for clear communication. Missing teeth can result in facial sagging and alteration; bridges provide support that maintains facial aesthetics.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are dental crowns and bridges suitable for children?

Yes, dental crowns and bridges may be appropriate for children in certain instances. For instance, when dealing with severely decayed or damaged primary (baby) teeth that cannot be restored with fillings alone, crowns may be recommended as an effective solution to preserve these permanent teeth until their natural time of exfoliation arrives. Furthermore, in cases where primary teeth fall out prematurely a bridge may also help maintain proper spacing to prevent alignment issues and preserve proper spacing in between these lost primary teeth.

How long do dental crowns and bridges last?

The lifespan of dental crowns and bridges varies based on several factors, including oral hygiene practices, diet habits and materials used. On average, they should last 5-15 years with proper maintenance – routine dental check-ups with your dentist are key in order to extend their longevity!

Does the placement of dental crowns and bridges cause pain?

Dental crown and bridge placement procedures typically do not involve pain as local anesthesia is used to ensure patient comfort. While some individuals may experience mild discomfort after the procedure, this should usually be managed using over-the-counter painkillers. Our dental team takes every measure possible to ensure our patients enjoy a positive treatment experience during every step of treatment.

How should I maintain dental crowns and bridges?

Proper oral hygiene is essential to the long-term viability and integrity of dental crowns and bridges, from brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and using antimicrobial mouthwash. Chewing hard or sticky foods which could damage restorations should also be avoided; while routine dental check-ups and professional cleanings will allow professionals to monitor crowns/bridges’ condition promptly if any issues arise.

Can damaged crowns and bridges be restored? 

Minor damages to crowns and bridges may be repaired by your dentist. However, extensive wear or fracture may require replacement of the restoration. It’s essential to contact us immediately if you detect signs of crown or bridge damage such as chips, cracks or loosening in order to address it quickly.


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