18075 Leslie Street, Newmarket

Emergency Dentist Newmarket

Experiencing a dental emergency that needs immediate attention? Call (289) 453-0606

When you book a same day emergency dental appointment at Leslie Family Dental, Dr. Weizblit will perform an examination to determine the cause of the issue and do whatever is possible to resolve it. Urgent dental problems include such things as pain, swelling, a broken tooth, lost filling, or dental trauma.  If you have a dental emergency, call us immediately.

Dental Emergencies and Same Day Dental Appointments

We understand that when faced with a dental emergency, or in need of an urgent same day dental appointment, finding prompt, flexible and reliable care is important. 

Leslie Family Dental is able to provide emergency dental care in Newmarket for many types of dental emergencies. Our clinic understands the urgency and discomfort that come with dental crises, and we strive to offer timely treatment to alleviate pain and address the problem.  If you call us on days and times when our dentist is in, we will accommodate you within minutes in our emergency operatory to assess your dental emergency.

Our Approach to Emergency Dental Care

At Leslie Family Dental in Newmarket, our approach is centered around immediate relief from pain and comprehensive treatment of the underlying condition. We prioritize your comfort and well-being from the moment you reach out to us. Our experienced dental professionals employ the latest techniques and technology to diagnose and treat a wide range of dental emergencies efficiently.

Recognizing Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can vary widely, from severe toothaches that cause radiating pain and won’t let you sleep at night, to abscesses where a large swelling is present and may threaten loss of airway or loss of eye-sight.  They can also be such things as chipped, cracked, broken, or avulsed (knocked out) teeth, broken fillings or debonded crowns.  All of the above may require swift professional attention and seeking emergency dental care if you experience any of the above is essential in preventing the escalation of oral health issues.

Why Choose Us for Your Dental Emergency in Newmarket

Choosing our emergency dental clinic in Newmarket means receiving care that is not only prompt but compassionate and personalized. We understand the stress and anxiety that come with dental emergencies, and our team is dedicated to making your experience as comfortable as possible. Our clinic provides flexible scheduling options to accommodate emergency appointments during our operating hours.

Our commitment to excellence in emergency dental care is unwavering. We aim to not just treat the immediate symptoms but also to offer solutions that ensure long-term oral health. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency in Newmarket, trust our clinic to provide the expert care you need to get back to your daily life as quickly as possible.

If I Have a Dental Emergency, Should I Go To The Hospital Emergency Room?

When faced with a dental emergency, you might consider rushing to the Emergency Room (ER), and while the ER can offer temporary relief for dental pain and address general infections, it’s essential to understand its limitations for specific dental care. ERs are equipped to manage a wide range of medical emergencies, including providing pain relief and antibiotics for dental-related issues; however, they lack the specialized equipment and expertise required for comprehensive dental treatment.

This is where the significant difference between visiting the ER and an emergency dentist comes into play. Unlike the ER, an emergency dentist specializes in the field of oral health, possessing both the specific knowledge and the precise tools needed to diagnose and treat dental emergencies effectively. Whether it is a severe toothache, a broken tooth, or facial swelling, an emergency dentist can accurately diagnose the problem and provide targeted treatment, such as a root canal treatment, a dental extraction, or an immediate restorative procedures, which are beyond the scope of ER services.

Having said the above, dental emergencies sometimes do not strike at an opportune time and can happen in the middle of the night or on a weekend when no dental office is open.  If no Emergency Dentist is available to see you at the time of your call, and, if the matter is pressing, you may head to the nearest ER for initial treatment but try to get a dental appointment once the dental office is open to ensure the underlying causes of the emergency (and not just the symptoms) are treated.

Frequently Asked Questions

A dental emergency encompasses any condition that presents acute pain, significant bleeding, or trauma to the face or mouth, necessitating immediate intervention by a healthcare professional. These emergencies can range from injuries sustained during sports or accidents, to sudden and severe infections that pose immediate health risks.

Severe infections, particularly those that lead to swelling potentially affecting breathing or swallowing, are considered urgent dental emergencies. Such conditions may indicate an abscess or other serious infections that, if left untreated, could rapidly progress, entering the bloodstream and leading to more severe systemic issues. The onset of these symptoms requires swift action to alleviate the infection and prevent any potential life-threatening complications.

Dental emergencies include situations where there is significant bleeding that cannot be controlled with simple first aid measures, or where there is acute pain that impedes normal functioning. Pain of this magnitude often signifies underlying problems such as pulpitis, impacted teeth, or advanced periodontal disease, which can deteriorate quickly without professional intervention.

Prompt treatment by is not only advised but imperative in these scenarios. Early assessment and care not only aim to relieve immediate discomfort but also to diagnose and treat the underlying cause of the emergency. This proactive approach is vital to preserving oral health, preventing further damage, and in some cases, saving the tooth or teeth involved.

It’s essential to recognize these signs and symptoms of dental emergencies and know when to seek professional care. Dental clinics and emergency services are equipped to handle such situations, offering treatments that range from pain management and wound care to more complex procedures like root canals or extractions as required. Understanding the importance of quick response to dental emergencies can significantly impact the outcome, ensuring that individuals receive the necessary care to maintain their oral health and overall well-being.

A dental emergency involves any oral health issue that requires immediate attention to alleviate severe pain, stop bleeding, or save a tooth. Common emergencies include knocked-out teeth, severe toothache, abscesses, lost fillings or crowns, and broken braces wires. If you’re experiencing intense discomfort or any of these conditions, it’s essential to seek professional help promptly.

When faced with a dental emergency, you might consider rushing to the Emergency Room (ER), and while the ER can offer temporary relief for dental pain and address general infections, it’s essential to understand its limitations for specific dental care. ERs are equipped to manage a wide range of medical emergencies, including providing pain relief and antibiotics for dental-related issues; however, they lack the specialized equipment and expertise required for comprehensive dental treatment.

This is where the significant difference between visiting the ER and a dental emergency dentist comes into play. Unlike the ER, a dental emergency dentist specializes in the field of oral health, possessing both the specific knowledge and the precise tools needed to diagnose and treat dental emergencies effectively. Whether it’s a severe toothache, a knocked-out tooth, or a broken crown, a dental emergency dentist can provide targeted treatments, such as root canals, dental extractions, or immediate restorative procedures, which are beyond the scope of ER services.

Yes, a cracked tooth is considered a dental emergency. It can lead to further complications if not treated promptly, such as infection or significant damage to the tooth’s internal structures. Immediate assessment and treatment by a dental professional can prevent the crack from worsening and save the tooth.

Determining whether your dental issue qualifies as an emergency depends on the severity and symptoms you’re experiencing. If you’re facing severe pain, bleeding that won’t stop, or have a tooth that’s been knocked out or broken, it’s essential to seek emergency dental care. Any condition that requires immediate attention to save a tooth, stop ongoing tissue bleeding, or alleviate severe pain is a dental emergency.

The most common dental emergencies include knocked-out teeth, severe toothaches, abscesses or infections, lost fillings or crowns, and broken braces wires. These situations often require urgent care to alleviate pain, prevent further damage, or address acute infections.

A toothache can be considered serious if it’s severe, persists for more than a day or two, is accompanied by fever, earache, or pain upon opening your mouth wide. Serious toothaches may indicate an abscess or infection that requires prompt treatment. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to contact a dental professional immediately.

At Leslie Family Dental, we are dedicated to addressing your dental emergencies with the utmost care and efficiency. Our team is equipped to handle a wide range of dental emergencies, ensuring that you receive the necessary treatment to alleviate pain and preserve your oral health. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency or have concerns about your oral health, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for expert guidance and support.

Newmarket Dentist - Visit Us Today

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We at Leslie Family Dental are committed to providing the finest quality dental care in a safe and comfortable environment. Our team is incredibly passionate about their work, and we genuinely care for our patients.

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